Essential Oils

Why essential oils?

My first experience with essential oils was when I was seeking an essential oil blend to help my ADHD child with focus.

As a special needs coordinator at our church, I recommended we start diffusing some calming oils for use in the Quiet Room we have at church for children who need a sensory break. They are the same ones my family uses at bedtime.

When I had pneumonia, a friend of mine gave me a diffuser. Peppermint oil blends were incredibly helpful in easing my congestion and breathing. A regular allergy sufferer, the oils open up my nasal passages and ease sinus headaches.

Over time, I saw how wonderful it was to use essential oils in laundry, bathrooms, bedrooms, our camper, and even our car!

After my father passed away from four decades of battling seven instances of four unrelated cancers, my family committed to finding more natural solutions to cleaning and overall mental and physical health.

I also use essential oils for deodorizing, sleep agents, natural remedies, and relaxation. It does wonders on those pet odors that sometimes get out of hand.

As a small book publisher, I have focus blends on my neck and pressure points all day while I work in my home office. Our children have the grounding blends diffusing while they do schoolwork.

I hope you will ask me how essential oils can improve your quality of life. I’m enjoying discovering more uses each day.



If you would like more information about the uses of essential oils and where to find some great product, feel free to contact me on this form.


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